Monday, May 21, 2007

Writing Articles

How to write an article and generate a revenueA PrimerBy Rich Hamilton, Jr.
30th September 2003
Having an article published is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build your credibility as an industry expert. At the end of the each article you are given the opportunity to gain free exposure for your online business or affiliate program.
As more and more people realize the true power of having your article published, the Internet has become saturated with them. Everywhere you turn there are plenty of articles to choose from, making it tougher to get yours noticed, let alone read.
If you can't get your article noticed, then it won't be read, therefore, no free exposure or profits. But getting your article noticed is only the beginning, you also need to hold your reader's attention with good quality content.
In this article we are going to go over the key elements of writing a succesful article and how to get them noticed. We will also go over how to turn an article into an unstoppable profit generator, even if you don't have your own product or service. That's right, you don't need your own product or service to take advantage of this golden opportunity.
Research Before Choosing A Topic
When most writers write their articles, they only write about what they want to write about. This is not an effective way to write an article. The most effective and recommended way to write an article, is to write one on a topic that your targeted market is already interested in. To find out what kind of article your targeted market is interested in, will require some research.
You should always do the research before you actually pick a topic to write about. When researching for your article you should try going to forums that cover your targeted market. Observe to see what they are talking about and even looking for. The best approach to use, is to find a problem, then write an article that resolves the problem.
By using this approach you are showing your dedication as a problem solver. When you help people resolve their problems and/or endeavors, you will strengthen your credibility and then the profits will soon follow.
Article Title
Choosing the title of your article will be one of the most important decisions you will make and will determine whether or not it will be read. You need to take your time, when it comes time for you to select an article title and it will require you to do some brainstorming.
Your article title should reach out and grab the reader's attention and compell them to want to read it immediately. The best thing to do when trying to come up with an article title is to write the biggest benefit that your reader will receive while they are reading it. The biggest benefit may not be the exact article title, but it is a good place to start.
When I choose a title for an article I write down several before I intially select a one. So don't choose just one title, write down several different ones, get the feel of the word variations, and tweak the weak areas.
Most of the articles out there are nothing more than an abstracted sales pitch or material that does not contain any valuable information, therefore is useless to the reader. The best way to get your article read, is to educate the reader. Any good article will be educational to their readers and have some sort of value. If you can't sell your article, than don't publish it.
If you publish a poorly written article, then people will not read it. This will have an impact on your credibility and on any future articles you publish, so do it right the first time by educating them.
101 Ways to Promote Your Web Site: Filled with Proven Internet Marketing Tips, Tools, Techniques, and Resources to Increase Your Web Site Traffic, 4th EditionThe key to a Web site s success is its ability to entice surfers to stop at that site, absorb what it offers, and return at a later date. This guide provides tools such as templates, checklists, and forms as well as proven techniques such as using e-mail, links, and online advertising to increase the number of initial users and repeat visitors to the Web site. This resource will prove invaluable to entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate marketing managers, and consultants seeking the skills needed to make a Web site successful.
If you want to make some cash with your article, then at the end of it, will be the time to promote your product, service, or affiliate program. Make sure that the product, service, or affiliate program is relevant to the article, you'd be suprised at how many people get this wrong.
Not sure, let me give you an example, I previously wrote an article that was entitled "The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer". In this particular article I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of text and html email formats. At the end of the article I presented an autoresponder that is capable of performing both formats.
If you promote a product, service, or affiliate program that corresponds with the article, your chances of getting a click through is very high. If you don't have a product or service that corresponds with the article, then I recommend finding an affiliate program that does.

Just Some Light Humour That I Would Like to Share

Jest Practices: Best Practices for Humor in the Workplace by: Craig Harrison
Most agree that humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects. Yet not all humor is good humor. The challenge: how to interject appropriate humor and fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company. When used appropriately, humor can work for you. Humor that Uploads Also Uplifts Humor has the power to make people feel special. When you include people in fun it simultaneously improves morale, reduces stress and facilitates team building. With the prevalence of telecommuting and workgroups scattered geographically, the challenge of furthering working relationships, bonding and building camaraderie is real. At one San Francisco Bay Area company a workgroup staged an elaborate Remote Baby Shower. The expectant mother, who was out-of-state, called in for a pre-arranged conference call with her workgroup. When she did...surprise! Everyone was having a party in her honor. They uploaded digital photos of a decorated conference room and each other, and e-mailed sound files with well wishes. Everyone shared in the good cheer. This creative use of technology brought employees closer to each other, figuratively if not literally. Humor That Brings People Together Workplaces are full of opportunities to use humor for the benefit of all. Milestones are a natural place to employ humor. Dress like the recipient as a tribute during a surprise birthday party. Other celebrations to mark anniversaries, project completions or similar accomplishments are perfect opportunities to utilize humor. Even surviving certain projects is cause for celebration and fun. Holidays are another natural time to employ humor. Halloween is a time for contests to see who can best decorate conference rooms; for other companies the anniversary of their founding is cause for celebration. Silly speeches, skits and spoofs abound. And the Award Goes To... Staging award ceremonies is a great way to have fun, recognize each other and revel in the shared work experience. Whether the categories mimic those found at the Oscars, Emmys or Tonys, or are derivative, esprit de corps rises when the team laughs at itself and each other. Best Supporting Actor, Best Impersonation of an Inanimate Object, Best Special Effects, Most Likely to Secede, or Lifetime Achievement Award. Humor Is The Winning Ticket Pranks can alternately be uplifting or uprooting. A desktop publisher, on April Fools Day, adorned his co-workers cars' windshields with mock yellow parking tickets, complete with envelopes for remittance. Upon closer inspection, these true-to-life replicas of tickets had whimsical offenses of significance to the recipients. The departmental joker's ticket cited him for "excessive use of farce" and the hard charging corporate counsel's infraction charged him with a "Failure to Yield." Of course the initiator of the gag was later cited for impersonating an officer. Everyone laughed at the spoof once they realized it was a joke. Judge Judy's signature at the bottom of the ticket gave it away. Pole Position A fast growing company didn't have enough office space for full cubicles for its new hires. One unfortunate hire's assigned cubicle had a giant pole in its midst. To her credit she never complained. Co-workers felt for her. One night they hit the streets, collecting various fliers from telephone poles in their neighborhoods. The next day when the new hire reached her cubicle, the offending pole was now covered with notices about missing pets, renters seeking apartments, cheap movers for hire and even local GRE study groups. Not only did the employee know her co-workers felt her frustration, it bonded them as well as they pulled together to help one of their own. One Person's Humor is Another Person's Horror When targeting humor consider targeting yourself. Everyone has a different idea of what's funny and what's not. Many a well intentioned prank or joke has backfired. One co-worker sent another a prank letter impersonating a local media figure. The recipient mistook it for real, interpreted it as harassment and called the FBI. Oops! The Benefits of Self-Effacing Humor When we make fun of ourselves it actually demonstrates our healthy outlook, showing we don't take ourselves so seriously. As a result, we're regarded as more approachable and down to earth. Don't make fun of yourself excessively. Such humor loses its effectiveness with overuse. Everyone from politicians to CEOs to Southwest Airlines flight attendants use self-deprecating humor - humor that makes fun of themselves - to get people laughing at, and consequently with them. You can too. While gallows humor may feel appropriate during layoffs and cutbacks, strive to employ humor that uplifts and taps universal themes for best results. Here's to laughter!

Interesting Article for people who wan to video blog

How to Start Video Blogging? by: Kanicen Nichathavan
Videoblogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet. Everybody knows about textblogging. Now they use videos for a better way of expression. This form of communication may entail a lot of resources, but it is all worth it. If pictures say a thousand words, videoblogging exceeds that by far. A videoblog requires larger disk spaces on websites, a faster server, and a whole new set of programs to support it. Videoblogs can be fed through RSS. This is technology of syndicating your website to other RSS aggregators. Videoblogging works with people on the internet expressing their selves. Now if you put this on a business prospective, you are up to a lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful tool in making showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial all for free. And if you videoblog through RSS, then most probably you are getting your target market. People like to see what they are going to buy. Some would like to see proof and be sure that they are getting their money’s worth before shelving their dimes on it. All of us know the influence of a thirty second commercial. The effect of videoblogging is similar to that. You show your product, people watch it. If they like it, they buy it. If you present it good enough, they’ll buy the product even if they don’t need it. Now on the web, things are pretty much static, unlike in television in which all are moving. If you post something that is mobile, it would most likely catch attention. Now imaging your product parading in all it’s royalty through videoblog. You’ll get phone call orders in no time. If your business is just starting up, you can create a videoblog right at your own home. All you need is your web camera, microphone, video software, and lights. For as long as you know how to use your camera, then you can create a videoblog. Invest in a good web camera. The higher its resolution is the better the output. And you like to present your goods in the optimum way so get the best one possible. Make a short story, or just capture your goods in one go. Just make sure you are getting the best profile for each. Get those creativity juices flowing. Lights are important in a production. Make sure you illuminate entirely the area you are going to use to create videoblog. The brighter the area, the crispier the images will be. You can also use lighting effects for added appeal to the presentation. Should you require sounds for your videoblog, you need a microphone. Record you voice as a voice over for promoting the product and its benefit to consumers. Sounds are as important as videos on a videoblog. It is advisable to make your sound effects as enticing as the video. Your video editing software can be any program. You need this to finalize your work. You can add sounds, delete some bad angles, or insert some still pictures in there too. Some programs are user-friendly and can be used even with zero knowledge on video editing. Even simple video editing programs should do the trick. Select your background carefully too. The light affects the presentation so make sure that the background and the light complements each other. Videoblogging is a great tool but it also has it downside. It may slow down the computer so other may steer clear of it. Download time may also be time consuming especially if customer is still on a dial- up connection. But don’t let those stop you. Let videoblogging be an alternative for you, though it is best to still keep the text and pictures present in your presentation to accommodate all possible viewers of your site. Nowadays, the more creative you are in presenting your product to the market, they more you are likely to succeed. Videoblogging offers an interactive way of selling. You involve the customers. You instill in them the advantage of your goods. And at times, those are enough to make a sale.

Making uR dReams coMe tRue

Testing out this new bloggg... Trying out its systemss.. rather interestingg.... see whether this could be commercialised and be of some passive income usage? well....... trying it out!!!